15 October 2013 Noosa News/ Elmes supports delay on Weyba

PROTECT NATURE: Lake Weyba. Geoff Potter
Geoff Potter

MEMBER for Noosa Glen Elmes said his aim is to see that a new Noosa Council is appointed as the main decision maker on the Noosa on Weyba development application.

“I have, as recently as yesterday, spoken to two senior ministers who have oversight in the area and they concur with my view,” Mr Elmes said on Friday

“There was a submission from the Sunshine Coast Regional Council signed by (CEO) John Knaggs and I support the view that the regional council believes the new Noosa Council should be the prime decision maker.

“That is based on the fact that all of Lake Weyba (development component) will be the Noosa Shire, and a majority, if not all infrastructure required will come from the new Noosa Council.

“And I’m talking about road works, transport, water, sewerage all of that sort of stuff. My personal opinion of the development is that it’s far too large.”

Mr Elmes said he has been out on the lake, and been driven over or walked over, most of the land surrounding the application land. And “there is significant Aboriginal heritage on some of the land in question”.

“I’m opposed to it, but my personal view doesn’t count. What I have to do is to try and make sure the appropriate authority hears the application,” Mr Elmes said.

“I see no reason at all why this process should be hurried through. The Noosa Council will come into being on January 1 – it is they who should make the decision.”

Noosa News

Topics:  glen elmeslake weyba


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